Posted on March 29th, 2019

IVEA inaugurates a new series of articles on recent achievements, illustrating its rise in competence and adaptability to the needs of the markets...

Lock small gauge, large gauge lock, hydraulic work, industry, hydroelectric dam, military, scenography-spectacle, lifting handling... The series are fashionable including on our website! From the perspective of explicit themes, IVEA aims to show you how it works with and for you, as close to your needs from the most common to the most complex...

After informing you of our investments to give specific movement and power to your applications, after describing the performance of our Electric Cylinders in hostile environments, here is our new series: "IVEA adaptability to market needs".

Lock small gauge, large gauge lock, hydraulic work, industry, hydroelectric dam, military, scenography-spectacle, lifting handling... Adapting to your expectations is certainly a necessity coupled with a true will. But for IVEA, it is also to grow with you and to implement the answers to your expectations evolutive, unpublished, atypical, whether in number or size of the works, in whole or in complexity of the services, or even in localization international projects.

Much more Designer and provider of services and solutions as a simple supplier, IVEA hopes to show you that she knows "to come out of the factory and her core business" to accompany you.

Good reading!

Franck Johanny, CEO of IVEA

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