Raise, lower, pull, push, rotate, position, move... Transmit specific movements with optimum power, precision and reliability, based on electro-mechanical technologies incorporating jacks and actuators: This is since 2002 the field of expertise of IVEA, attest to validated applications, Works on waterways with the most ingenious, efficient and varied devices for many sectors of activity...

Ecluse small template, lock large template, hydraulic work, industry, hydro-electric dam, military, scenography-spectacle, lifting handling...

Historically, the company first imposed itself, in a few years, as the indispensable specialist in the motorisation of works on waterways, and in particular the hydraulic works (dams, mills, valves, Valves...), locks and bridges.

Its control of the transmission of motion and power gives it today a recognized expertise in the design and manufacture of electromechanical solutions for all types of markets : Hydraulic works (dam, Valve, valve), Locks, hydroelectric dam, lifting/handling, nuclear, military, scenography/show, various industries...

Its expertise "YOUR projects in MOTION", its co-design approach, its ability to implement and combine the most efficient technologies, its dedicated production tool, its complete service: all the concrete advantages offered by IVEA, the Specialist in the optimized integration of movement and power in your own accomplishments.

Jacks Hydraulic Works
(Dam, Valve, valve)
› single or double sluice gate drive for vertical valves
› Valve Jacks
Locks › Swivel jacks for Lock doors
› Lock with sluice gate drive for water gate
Hydroelectric dam Jacks for isolated turbine valves with gravity closure without electric power
Industry Manual or motorized single or coupled jacks for lifting and handling
Cylinders Hydraulic Works
(Dam, Valve, valve)
› Cylinders for Vertical Valves
› Cylinders for Valves
Locks › Cylinders for Lock doors
› Cylinders for Vantelles
› Water Valve Actuators
Hydroelectric dam Turbine insulated cylinders with gravity closure without electric power
Lifting/Handling › Crane Jacks
› Bridge Jacks
Industry Specific transmission cylinders
of movement and power
Military EX: Radar Deployment Jacks
Scenography/Show Articulated arm and jib cylinders


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